Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Government vs. American Heroes

By now the world knows about the shutdown of the United States government, as well as the upcoming date of October 17th, in which we will officially run out of money. Needless to say, it's been a bad month for our good friends (or not) down in Washington. The inability for the conflicting parties to agree on certain issues has yet again put a possible governmental crisis within reach. So what will this do to the economy? Brian Kessler, an economist for CNN, estimates that a 3-4 week shutdown could cost the United States economy over $55 billion. And on top of that, who knows what could happen with no military? U.S citizens feel uneasy due to the shutdown and the cartoon above depicts that, quite frankly, everyday American’s like you and me are fed up with the government and its shenanigans. More basic info on the shutdown can be seen here.

With the government shutdown has come consequences, and misfortunes for many people. All athletic events for Army and Navy (except for football) have been indefinitely cancelled, and the broadcasting network that allow soldiers abroad to watch NFL games on Sunday’s is currently not in service. Tourist destinations and memorials all across Washington are indefinitely closed, and over 800,000 government workers are sitting on their couches waiting the situation out (according to CNN). But with these difficult times for some, we see true pride in others. In my American Studies class, a common theme through the first month or so of school has been “American Values.” We have discussed various different topics through photographs and texts, but nothing has sat quite well with me thus far about something that is truly American. With the shutdown of the government came the closing of the World War II memorial. Last Tuesday morning, 91 veterans of the Second World War were not stopped from entering the National Memorial, and were assisted by Republican Steven Palazzo of Mississippi. An article along with the amazing stories of war heroes can be seen here. I found the whole situation very heartwarming, and it was completely the right thing to do. The pride that we possess for the members of our armed forces and their accomplishments defines what it is to be an American, and it’s only fitting that the American heroes that we love and cherish aren’t affected by this government catastrophe.

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